About us

About Us

Boundless is a brand that knows no boundaries.

As an artist,one is filled with immense creativity and there is this constant yearning to learn and grow.I have always found it very challenging to be tied down in one genre.For me my art depends on my mood and what I feel like creating at that moment.I feel blessed to be able to work in so many mediums and forms.

Our Jewellery is all about being bold and making your own statement.Its all about making heads turn…it’s all about YOU.

It’s bold but lightweight,it’s perfect but with its own imperfections.Each piece has its own character and a bit of me,created for YOU.

Our other range of products are made with equal passion and the endeavor is to make things that make YOU a proud owner .

“STRUCTURED CHAOS” that’s how I would like to describe all my work ,be it jewellery or art.There is a weird sense of achievement in combining the two extremes and creating a heartwarming product .

About Workshop

Let's be creative together

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